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COTA Global Certification

Certificate for Overseas Trade Authenticity

COTA helps you to showcase your quality products in the global market by cutting the big expense barrier. We take your quality products to the authentic and certified buyers in the respective trade territories of the proposed markets and generate leads for your esteemed business. This let you enter a new market at very reasonable cost and no overhead burdens of neither maintaining a physical or virtual office, nor any employee or representative available locally, and not any kind of supplement taxes.

The Certification Program

COTA helps you to showcase your quality products in the global market by cutting the big expense barrier. We take your quality products to the authentic and certified buyers in the respective trade territories of the proposed markets and generate leads for your esteemed business. This let you enter a new market at very reasonable cost and no overhead burdens of neither maintaining a physical or virtual office, nor any employee or representative available locally, and not any kind of supplement taxes.

The Common Problem

In today’s world, many people competing with unemployment and financial crunch in their businesses all over the world. Therefore, the Import-Export industry is performing even poor because of fewer people are indulging in this field and doing international trade is never the first choice among other trade options. Complexed land laws of different countries and confusing border taxation system need a lot of attention and learning to trade overseas.

Where languages, geographical distances, and expensive travel make international trade more difficult to do, currency exchange and financial security also scare the traders, on the other hand, to do Import Export as their mainstream business. While visiting too many countries in Asia, the Middle East and Europe, our researchers found that another biggest challenge in international trade is the lack of information due to which most of the traders get cheated world over and many times they lose their business due to their own lack of knowledge about the overseas trade.

On both, the sides Importers and exporters need to secure their money because a common understanding over the overseas trade about money is that once the money goes it never comes back, and that’s even an obvious fact. Buyers hesitate to book shipments by sending money advance because they are getting cheated somewhere on an everyday basis, and the same way Sellers are also losing money because they are not getting paid off their balance dues on the parties. Although there are many ways to secure the money involved in the overseas trade still traders are still clueless about how to concur this.

The Solution

Arbasia has been serving its international trade consulting service to its clients in India as well as abroad and many times we help our clients on both the sides to procure products and services they were looking for. There is no doubt that having an exclusive overseas consultant costs much, and it is not easy for new start-ups to afford. Then the new Imp-Ex profile businesses were bound to take the risk at their own due to which many of then decide not to do the overseas trade and many of them failed who tried with improper knowledge and scrutiny of the company abroad.

Then an intermediate way was invented at ARBASIA and a Certificate for Overseas Trade Authenticity was introduced as Global Certification for Safe & Certified Imp-Ex Trade. COTA Global Certification program was officially announced in Doha, Qatar in July’2017 and in the year 2018 this was officially launched. Between the month of Sep-Oct 2018, COTA certification did well and secured its trade associated in 48 countries globally.

The Certification

Certificate for Overseas Trade Authenticity or COTA is a global certification controlled by Vincegrass Qatar™ and the certification program is managed by Arbasia Business Alliance for Europe & Middle East, and Asia. COTA certification has brought a lot of happiness and confidence amongst the international traders as this doesn’t work as just a certification program, but it’s a complete certification cum trade consulting & marketing featured service that helps businesses to grow overseas. COTA has now become one of the trusted gateways of secured and authentic transactions in Import Export.

The COTA certification has three profile variants i.e. (1) Importer, (2) Exporter, and (3) Imp-Ex Profile (Import & Export) This State-of-the-Art autonomous Global Certification comes with modesty and loaded features e.g.;

  1. It checks and scrutiny of the company going to perform as Importer/Exporter and the scrutiny is based on the law structure country wide through government authorities.
  2. Establishment e.g. office, warehouse, inventory, stocks, production facility, plant, transportation and shipping line are checked and inspected physically, if claimed in the application profile of the Importer/Exporter.
    Banking, Government Permissions, Trade Certifications etc are scrutinized accordingly.
  3. Financial capacities, mint of business, size of the organization, person authorized etc are physically inspected and certified at both Importer/Exporter.
  4. Certificate holders are assisted for obtaining the authentic Quotations, Pro forma invoices, Bill of Entries etc to reduce the hindrance in Trade to both the Importer & Exporter.
  5. Point to point consulting service is offered to ensure flawless, smoother and safer business transaction between the Importer & Exporter.
  6. Only certified and authentic profile of businesses are being introduced to each other to ensure guaranteed secured trade.
  7. Product sampling, physical assistance, trade agreement, MOU signing, currency exchange, remittance, clearance and many other important services are offered to all the certified businesses.
  8. A local representative in the respective country location is provided to all the certified associated under overseas consulting service agreement.
  9. COTA certificate is valid initially for three years for all the business profiles and later this may get extended to a renewal term from annual to five-years term.
  10. COTA certificates presently are issuing from three places for all 48 county locations that we serve. Our international certified trade territories are served from New Delhi in India, Milan in Italy, and Doha in Qatar, service the three territories respectively e.g. ASIA, EURO, PE, and ARAB.


Certificate for Overseas Trade Authenticity or COTA can easily be recognized at one sight with their unique international designs and authentic printing while issuing. The Exporter’s are issued certificate in Amber theme, Importer’s certificates issued in Cyan theme, and the Imp-Ex or Importer Exporter certificates are issued in the Golden theme.

Every COTA certificate has an Issuing Territory Emblem on it that easily can be identified on the certificate under the corporate logo of Corprova. These territorial emblems are the same for many countries within the same territory but different according to the issuing authority as described below

On the basis of more than a hundred parameters and checks the COTA gives a very strict star rating to the trade profiles while issuing the certificated. Generally, this star rating is ranging from a half star to two full stars and that is not just printed on the certificate but it is well managed in records at COTA Global Certifications.
As high the volume of successful business a trader does, as many ratings on starts it gets issued and amended by the certification in the record. Whenever a trader achieves new rating added to his account equivalent to a full star the COTA sends a new certificate for free and this data is communicated to all the certified traders within the territories.

Every single COTA certificate has many security features and Info-Graphic parameters in the printed certificate e.g. Serial Number, Certificate Number, Agreement Number, Global Certification Number etc. and beyond that it carries a high security QR seal embed to the certificate along with the license number. This QR seal contains the digital information of the trader to whom it is issued along with some other important information printed in the certificate that can be matched simply by scanning the QR code at any handheld scanning device.


The entire Certificate issued under COTA global certifications earn a seal of authenticity, which gives a guarantee that this particular trader is properly checked, scrutinized and physically inspected with it’s all establishments claimed while applying for the application. This seal of authenticity makes the traders fearless to deal with the COTA certified business establishments in any of the country globally and not limited to the COTA trade territories.