80G Certificate is issued to a non-profit organization or non-governmental organizations (NGO), a charitable trust or a Section 8 Company by the Income Tax Department. The objective behind the 80G certificate is to encourage more and more donors to donate funds to such organizations. The benefit that the donor avails by donating to such an NGO is that he gets tax exemption on 50% of his donation as the donor is allowed to deduct their donations from their Gross Total Income. To avail the tax exemption, the donor needs to attach the stamped receipt against the donation that is issued by the NGO – the receipt needs to include the name, date, and PAN of the organization.
Now that we have covered 80G Registration, we will discuss 12A registration and 12A registration process.
By virtue of 12A registration, Trusts and NGOs and other Section 8 companies enjoy exemption from paying income tax. NGOs are basically organizations that are meant for charitable and non-profit activities. However, they do have income and would be required to pay tax as per normal rates if not registered under section 12A of the Income Tax Act. The Section 12A of the IT Act, 1962 does not differentiate between charitable and religious Trusts. Hence 12A registration is applicable to both the kinds of organizations.
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