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BizPro Office Express ToolKit 2022


Professionally created editable document drafts, a must have bundle for every business. This covers all major departments of every business kind from admin to HR, and from accounts to legal, all beautifully covered in over 1400 files of various types.

SKU: BIZPRO2022 Category:


  • Company Accounts & Audit Files
  • Agreements and Contracts Drafts
  • Human Resource & Employee Management
  • Forms, Policies and Notices
  • Purchase, Sales and Quotations
  • Media, Marketing and Surveys
  • Training, Development, and Recruitment
  • Planning, Presentations, Pitch Deck
  • On/Off-boarding, Induction & Orientation
  • Business Forms, Letters, and Stationery
  • Emails, Bills & Invoices, Statutory Compliance


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